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Fruit Chart: Fruits to Eat and Avoid During Pregnancy

Written byRohini Mankar

Last updated on : 03 Oct, 2024

Read time : 17 min

Why are fruits good for pregnancy?

When a woman confirms her pregnancy, it’s common for mothers and grandmothers to suggest a list of fruits that are good for pregnancy. Elders often advise expecting mothers to eat enough for themselves and their babies, while doctors and nutritionists emphasise the importance of a balanced diet, including a variety of fruits and vegetables. Fruits, being top on the list, provide essential vitamins, minerals, and fibre that nourish the mother and the baby. Fruits good for pregnancy promote digestion, prevent constipation, and are considered an integral part of a healthy pregnancy diet chart.

Have you ever wondered why older women keep reminding us about eating the best fruits during pregnancy? Has it ever crossed your mind why we have to avoid some fruits during pregnancy? This can make you overwhelmed and confused about which fruit to choose and which to avoid. Would-be mothers want to provide the best nutrition for their babies.

Let’s understand the importance of fruits for pregnancy, why you must include them in your daily diet, and how much fruit you should eat during pregnancy. In this blog, we’ll learn about the best fruits during pregnancy to nurture a healthy pregnancy and developing baby. 

Also read: Pregnancy diet: Foods to eat and avoid

The Benefits of Eating the best fruit during pregnancy

Maternal nutrition is one of the determining factors for a baby’s growth. A study found a link between increased fruit intake in pregnancy and high birth weight. According to a study, the mothers who ate fruits when pregnant had children who achieved better on developmental tests at one year.

Fruits rich in nutrients help grow the baby’s organs and cognitive abilities. Additionally, they help maintain the health of the mother. Let us see how-

  • For immunity: Beta-carotene-rich fruits are good for pregnancy. They are essential in developing tissue and cells. It helps build strong immunity. Fruits are a valuable source of antioxidants that enhance our immune system.
  • For Baby’s bones and teeth: Fruits rich in Vitamin C boost baby bone and teeth development.
  • Boost iron level in mothers: Iron absorption increases with enough Vitamin C in the body. Fruits rich in Vitamin C are the best fruits during pregnancy. Also Read: Importance of Iron Tablets For Pregnancy
  • To prevent congenital disabilities: the best fruits during pregnancy are abundant in Folic acid, a water-soluble B vitamin. It prevents foetal congenital disabilities related to the brain and the spinal cord.
  • Relief from Constipation: Fruits are a rich source of fibre. They help you stay away from constipation and haemorrhoids.
  • Prevents anaemia: Fruits are abundant in iron, preventing pregnancy anaemia.
  • Electrolyte balance: Fruits rich in potassium maintain the body’s electrolyte balance. It also assists in maintaining blood pressure.
  • Wards off nausea: Most women experience nausea in the first trimester of pregnancy. Have cooled juicy fruits to keep your palate clean and avoid nausea. 
  • Maintains Hydration: Got bored of drinking plain water? Try drinking fruit juices or coconut water. Fruits contain 80% water. Fruit juices are as essential as water to maintain the amniotic fluid.
  • Maintains Blood sugar: Fruits loaded with fibre assist in regulating blood sugar levels. Having one piece of fruit can meet sugar cravings. It is a healthy option to cut back on unhealthy sugar candies.
  • Keeps weight under control: Adding fruits to your diet can help control weight. Low-calorie and high in fibre fruits are good for pregnancy. It gives you a feeling of fullness, so you’re less likely to overeat and consume too many calories. Give it a try!
  • Prevents delays in achieving milestones: A study suggests that women should eat many fruits that are good for pregnancy. It reduces the risk of developmental delays in children aged 2.

Also read: Things to Keep in Mind while Pregnant

The best fruits during pregnancy

Fruits are a boon -low in sodium, fat, and calories and cholesterol-free, making them the perfect food. With the benefits mentioned earlier, wouldn’t knowing which fruits are best during pregnancy be great?


1. Apricots during pregnancy

Apricots are power-packed food with plenty of vitamins and minerals, as listed below:

  • Iron – Essential to prevent anaemia.
  • Calcium – For good bone health of the mother and the developing foetus.
  • High fibre content – Helps regulate the mother’s digestion process. Fibre prevents constipation
  • Contains Vitamin B, C, E and β carotene necessary for foetal health.
  • The goodness of apricot also contains micronutrients like phosphorus, selenium and magnesium.

2. Oranges during pregnancy

  • Sweet and tangy oranges are the best fruits during pregnancy.
  • Being a fruit good for pregnancy, orange is rich in vitamin C, fibre, and high water content, making them a favourite among expecting mothers.
  • Eating oranges during pregnancy aids digestion and prevents cell damage. Vitamin C helps the blood to absorb iron.
  • Having orange juice during pregnancy helps in hydration. As it contributes to your daily fluid intake.
  • The rich folate minimises the risk of brain and spinal cord defects in babies.
  • Potassium in oranges prevents high blood pressure during pregnancy.

3. Mangoes in pregnancy

  • High in Vitamin C and antioxidants, this seasonal fruit helps the mother digest. It provides relief from constipation. It also provides immunity against minor infections.
  • Mango fruit is good for pregnancy, especially during the third trimester when your baby grows fast. They’re packed with those extra calories your little one needs.
  • Mango is abundant in β carotene. Eating mango fruit is good for pregnancy as it is best for good hair and skin.

4. Pears in pregnancy

  • This mild-tasting, pleasant aroma fruit is good for pregnancy. Consuming pears in pregnancy’s first trimester is good.
  • Pears during pregnancy are ideal as they contain high amounts of folic acid. They are vital in preventing neural tube defects in babies and brain development.
  • The fibre-rich fruit helps fights constipation.
  • Pear is a source of potassium. Pears benefits the heart health of the expectant mother and the developing baby. It also promotes cell regeneration.

5. Pomegranates in pregnancy

Packed with nutrients, pomegranate is one fruit good for pregnancy. Pomegranates or anar encompass calcium, iron, folate, protein, and energy. That’s why pomegranate is for pregnancy due to its excellent nutritional profile.

  • Iron – Prevents anaemia in both mother and child.
  • Vitamin K and calcium – Strengthen the mother-to-be and baby’s bones.
  • Drinking pomegranate juice during pregnancy minimises the risk of injury to the placenta. Drinking juices in moderation is the key to good health.

6. Avocados

  • Add avocados to your salad or use them as a spread onto your bread. Avocado ensures that you are giving your body and your growing baby the goodness of this fruit good for pregnancy. Eating avocados provides high monounsaturated fatty acids. They encourage the baby’s brain and skin cell growth.
  • Avocado regulates blood sugar and maintains heart health. It also helps keeps your tummy full for longer.
  • Rich in nutrients like folates, vitamins C, B and magnesium. Thus it makes avocado essential for foetal development.
  • Avocado is a fruit good for pregnancy that contains potassium, which can ease the discomfort of leg cramps. This makes them essential during the third trimester, when leg cramps are prevalent. 

7. Guava

  • Guava is abundant in vitamins C and E, iso-flavonoids, carotenoids, polyphenols and folate. They are beneficial in pregnancy.
  • It relieves constipation, regulates blood pressure, and controls blood sugar control. Guava is a good muscle and nerve relaxant.
  • The folic acid in the fruit prevents neural tube defects.
  • Loaded with vitamin C, guava helps in boosting immunity. Thus keeping infections, colds and UTIs at bay.

8. Benefits of bananas in pregnancy

  • Bananas are rich in folate, vitamin C, B6, potassium, and magnesium.
  • The folate found in bananas protects the foetus from neural tube defects.
  • Vitamin B6 helps control nausea and vomiting.
  • Your doctor may recommend consuming one banana daily during the first trimester. This is because bananas are rich in micronutrients like magnesium and potassium.
  • These nutrients prevent stroke and maintain healthy fluid balance.

9. Berries in pregnancy

  • Due to their nutrient-dense nature and abundance of antioxidants, berries, blueberries, and raspberries are among the best fruits during pregnancy.  Cherries enhance the blood supply to the baby and placenta. They are a great source of vitamin C and the antioxidant hormone melatonin. It assists in promoting cell growth and relieves stress.
  • When you have those cravings, and you snack on unhealthy stuff. Turn to cherries, as they are perfect for snacking. They contain an antioxidant called anthocyanins, which minimises swelling and inflammation. Having them in the third trimester can be beneficial.
  • Other fruits to snack on are strawberries, raspberries and blueberries. Strawberries, in particular, are juicy and known for being a fruit good for pregnancy. They are packed with essential nutrients such as vitamin C, micronutrients, and fibre. 
  • Vitamin C, which boosts immunity and controls blood pressure.
  • Micronutrients like manganese and potassium strengthen the bones of the developing foetus.
  • The folate minimises the risk of neural tube defects.
  • Vitamin C from these berries aids iron absorption and prevents anaemia.

10 Apples in pregnancy

  • Everyone knows, “An apple a day keeps doctors away”. Apples have fibre and antioxidants, which benefit both the mother and baby.
  • They contribute to detoxing the body from lead and mercury.
  • They strengthen the immunity of the mother and the baby.
  • A fruit good for pregnancy has plenty of fibre. Fibre rich apples aid digestion and minimise constipation. 

11. Dried Fruit

  • Dried fruits like figs, raisins, pistachios, cashews and prunes are essential and the best fruits for pregnancy.
  • Fig or anjeer, raisin or kishmish and prunes are good sources of fibre. It helps to get relief from digestive problems.
  • These dried fruits are rich in calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc and folic acid. 
  • Cashews are rich in iron, which can prevent anaemia.
  • Prune is high in potassium. It can help manage anxiety experienced during the first trimester of pregnancy.

12. Dragon fruit in pregnancy

  • Dragon fruit is packed with essential nutrients like vitamin C, fibre, and antioxidants that can support overall health during pregnancy. 
  • A fruit good for pregnancy should have high water content which helps maintain proper hydration levels, which is crucial for both the mother and the developing baby.
  • Its dietary fibre content aids in promoting regular bowel movements and preventing constipation, a common issue during pregnancy.
  • Dragon fruit is relatively low in calories, making it a nutritious snack option that can help manage weight gain during pregnancy.
  • The presence of antioxidants can contribute to reducing oxidative stress and supporting a healthy immune system.

13. Kiwi in pregnancy

  • Kiwis are rich in folic acid and complemented by their sumptuous taste. With the active assistance of folic acid, kiwi prevents fetal growth defects. 
  • The Vitamin C content in Kiwi also improves an expectant mother’s capability to absorb iron. This helps provide sufficient oxygen to her baby.
  • Kiwis’ dietary fibre helps with digestive health by preventing constipation, a common problem during pregnancy.

14. Watermelon in pregnancy

  • Watermelon contains approximately 92% water. Hence it helps maintain fluid balance and prevent dehydration when consumed in pregnancy.
  • Watermelon is rich in beta-carotene, which the body fully utilises to make vitamin A. Good levels of vitamin A play a crucial role in the proper development of vision, the immune system, and skin in babies.
  • The potassium content in watermelon helps regulate blood pressure; during pregnancy. It is necessary to reduce the risk of complications like preeclampsia. For more information, check out our article on watermelon in pregnancy.

Fruits to avoid during pregnancy

Most of fruits are good for pregnancy. But did you know that some fruits can adversely affect the expecting mother? It can cause vaginal bleeding, or in the worst scenario, it can lead to miscarriage. Let us learn about the fruits to avoid during pregnancy –

  • Papaya: It’s important to avoid raw or semi-ripe papaya during pregnancy. When eaten in moderation, ripe papaya is rich in vitamins and iron and doesn’t cause harm. It contains latex that can trigger early contractions, which can be risky for the baby. Make sure to stay away from unripe papaya.
  • Pineapple: According to some beliefs, pregnant women should not eat pineapple. It contains enzymes called bromelain that can break down proteins and tenderise meat. People believed that these enzymes could also affect the foetus in the womb. Thus it can cause a miscarriage. Dig deeper into the topic – pineapple during pregnancy.
  • Grapes: It’s best to consume grapes in moderation, especially in the final trimester of pregnancy. Grapes tend to produce heat in the body, which isn’t beneficial for both the mother and the baby. Thus, it’s better to avoid eating too many grapes during pregnancy. Also read- how to reduce body heat.

Also read: How to Cope with a Pregnancy Scare

How much fruit should someone eat during pregnancy?

A study suggests that increased fruit consumption in pregnancy enhances infant cognitive development. 

Did you know what the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations suggest about the consumption of fruits? We should eat at least five servings of 1 cup of fruit and veggies daily. These superhero foods give us good vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients. But let’s focus on the non-starchy ones for the most benefits.

Let’s see how our diet can have the best fruits during pregnancy:

In general, one serving of fruit is:

ServingForm of fruit
1 cup Cut fruit 
1 whole Fruit of the size of a tennis ball
½ cup Dried fruit
1 glassFruit juice
½ cup Fruit puree

Fruit safety tips

Following good hygiene practices can avert episodes of infections and illnesses. Thus follow the tips below before eating or cooking fresh fruits and vegetables.

  • Look for organic pesticide-free fruits.
  • Wash the fruits.
  • If you store fruits and meat in the fridge, store fruits away from raw meat.
  • Get rid of any bruised areas on the fruits where bacteria might grow.
  • Try to avoid consuming pre-cut fruits, or if you do, make sure to eat them right after cutting.

Fruits are the powerhouse of nutrients and make for fantastic snacks during pregnancy. They provide nourishment for both you and your baby. Fruits help keep you in good health and feeling joyful.


Having fruits during pregnancy keeps you and your baby healthy. Most fruits are seasonal but do not miss the chance to get the goodness of it whenever possible.

Fruits provide antioxidants, dietary fibre, vitamins, and nutrients to pregnant women and their foetuses. Apples, guava, apricot, avocado, berries, citrus fruits, mango, and watermelon are the powerhouse of vitamins and minerals.

Best fruits in pregnancy are low in cholesterol, sodium, and calories. Thus making them the perfect food to eat during pregnancy. These nutrients can also help to relieve pregnancy-related nausea and constipation.

But be careful of raw and unripe papaya and overconsumption of grapes and pineapple. It can lead to harmful pregnancy-related side effects.

Then what are you waiting for? Make sure to eat your favourite fruit. Wash the fruits before consuming them, and eat at least five servings daily.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which fruit is good for a baby’s brain during pregnancy?

Bananas and avocados are the best fruits for pregnancy and are good for the baby’s brain development.

Which juice is good for pregnancy?

The best fruit juice for pregnant women is orange juice.

What is the best time to eat apples during pregnancy?

The best time to eat apples during pregnancy is in the morning or between meals.

Which fruits are rich in folic acid?

Bananas, mangoes, avocados and citrus fruits like oranges are rich in folic acid.

How many bananas can you eat a day while pregnant?

Your doctor may recommend you consume one banana each day when in the first trimester. This is because bananas are rich in micronutrients like magnesium and potassium.

Which fruit is good for an unborn baby?

Opt for fruit good for pregnancy, like bananas, apples, avocados, watermelon and berries. These fruits are power-packed with vitamins, essential minerals, micronutrients, and fibre. These fruits are the best fruits during pregnancy, as five servings each day helps maintain hydration.

What is the effect of bananas on baby pregnancy?

In the first trimester, healthcare providers often recommend consuming a daily banana for its micronutrients, such as magnesium and potassium, which promote stroke prevention and healthy fluid balance. Bananas contain folate, vitamin C, B6, potassium, and magnesium. Folate protects the baby from neural tube defects, while vitamin B6 helps with nausea.

Is Kiwi safe in pregnancy?

Kiwis are nutrient-packed fruits that can benefit the respiratory system and help prevent coughs, colds, and wheezing when consumed daily. They are rich in vitamins (such as B3, C, and K), minerals (like copper and magnesium), antioxidants (such as lutein and zeaxanthin), and phosphorus, which supports blood clotting regulation and aids in the ]]natural absorption of iron.

Which fruit gives energy during pregnancy?

Natural sugars and essential nutrients like vitamin C and folates provide energy during pregnancy. Fruits are good for pregnancy as they give instant energy and alleviate fatigue. Bananas, oranges, apples, berries, and dried fruits like raisins, pistachios, and figs are considered the best fruits during pregnancy.

Is watermelon safe for pregnant women?

Yes, watermelon is safe for pregnant women. Watermelon is one of the best fruit to consume during pregnancy, as it is essential for hydration and relieves nausea. Incorporate watermelon in the last trimester as it relieves heartburn and swelling in hands and feet (oedema) and alleviates muscle cramps.


The content provided within this article has been thoroughly verified for accuracy. However, we advise consulting a healthcare professional before utilising any medication or dietary supplements mentioned herein.


  • Murphy MM, Stettler N, Smith KM, Reiss R. Associations of consumption of fruits and vegetables during pregnancy with infant birth weight or small for gestational age births: a systematic review of the literature. Int J Womens Health. 2014 Oct 20;6:899-912. doi: 10.2147/IJWH.S67130. PMID: 25349482; PMCID: PMC4208630. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25349482/
  • Kilpatrick SJ, Safford KL. Maternal hydration increases amniotic fluid index in women with normal amniotic fluid. Obstet Gynecol. 1993 Jan;81(1):49-52. PMID: 8416460. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8416460/
  • Yonezawa, Y., Ueno, F., Obara, T., Yamashita, T., Ishikuro, M., Murakami, K., . . . Kuriyama, S. (2022). Fruit and vegetable consumption before and during pregnancy and developmental delays in offspring aged 2 years in Japan. British Journal of Nutrition, 127(8), 1250-1258. doi:10.1017/S0007114521002154 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34121643/
  • Lauricella M, Emanuele S, Calvaruso G, Giuliano M, D’Anneo A. Multifaceted Health Benefits of Mangifera indica L. (Mango): The Inestimable Value of Orchards Recently Planted in Sicilian Rural Areas. Nutrients. 2017 May 20;9(5):525. doi: 10.3390/nu9050525. PMID: 28531110; PMCID: PMC5452255. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28531110/
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