Exercises to reduce belly fat

By Dr. Sachin Singh | 21st Jun 2022

Exercises to reduce belly fat

Something about belly fat

It’s obvious to see an increase in belly fat along the waistline as people grow older. This is because as people get older, their muscle mass decreases and their fat mass increases. Belly fat and fat on the waistline can make you feel self-conscious or prevent you from wearing your favourite set of clothes.

Unhealthy eating habits, bad lifestyle choices, and sitting in front of computers\Laptops all day contribute to fat accumulation, especially in the midsection.

There are numerous exercises are available, but not all of them are helpful or the same when it comes to reducing fat. Doctors agree, however, that implementing physical activity into your daily schedule is an excellent way to lose belly fat and fat on the waistline. Here are some best exercises for belly fat at home and slender back your waistline.

The different types of belly fat and their consequences

Before we get started with exercise to reduce belly fat, it’s important to know that not all fat is the same. There are two types of fat in your stomach, as per Harvard Health:

Subcutaneous Fat:

Fat found beneath the skin or Subcutaneous fat which is dangly bits are a soft layer of a pot belly that lies beneath the skin and is harmless.

Visceral Fat:

Fat in the abdominal cavity is known as visceral fat. The invisible substance that builds up around your organs has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Best exercise to reduce belly fat at home

1. Burpees:

You need to work as many muscles as possible if you want to lose weight. You make sure that if you start the burpees you have to complete them. These exercise to reduce belly fat involves jumping from a push-up to a jump and then back to a push-and up. Which works every muscle in the body from head to toe. This exercise for tummy fat targets your core, chest, shoulders, latissimus, triceps, and quadriceps. Burpees will also get your heart pumping because they involve energetic circuit training movement and waist exercises.

How to perform:

Burpees are done by lowering your body into a low squat while standing shoulder distance apart. Back up until your chest touches the floor, hands outside your feet. Lift your body into a plank by pressing your hands against the floor, then jump your feet just outside of your hands. Jump explosively into the air with your arms overhead, your weight in your heels.

2. Mountains Climber:

Consider a mountain climber to be a moving plank. When you draw one knee into your chest explosively, you perform a mini crunch. What makes this move so complicated is that every time you lift a foot off the floor, your core has to work overtime to keep your body steady and sleek.

How to Perform:

  • Put your hands directly under your shoulders and tuck your toes into a high plank position. Make sure your back is in a straight line.
  • Bring your right knee close to your chest, then release it.
  • Repeat with your left leg. It should look like you’re kneeling.

3. Kettlebells Swing:

The kettlebell swing is one of the most effective exercises to reduce belly fat. You’ll need to engage big fat-burning muscle groups like your glutes, hips, and quadriceps to help push the heavy ball of iron. This movement’s explosive nature immediately raises your heart rate, but it also shreds your core.

How to Perform:

  • Swing the weight between your legs by bending your knees slightly and pushing your hips back.
  • Stand up and swing the kettlebell up to about chest height, contracting your gluteus maximum in the process.
  •  At the top of the momentum, lock your elbows, tighten your core, and contract your quadriceps and glutes. Return to Squat position again.

4. Medicine Ball Burpees

Adding a medicine ball to your burpees will increase the intensity of the exercise to reduce belly fat and boost your metabolism, all while sculpting six-pack abs and waist exercises.

How to Perform:

Burpees with a medicine ball: Hold a medicine ball in both hands while standing with your feet shoulder-distance apart. Extend the ball overhead, then slam it as hard as you can on the ground, hunching over and sitting your butt back as you do so.

Bend your knees as you hinge over. Return to a high plank by placing your hands outside your feet. Maintain a straight line with your body. Then, while squatting, jump your feet back towards the outsides of your hands. Take the ball in your hands and press it overhead.

5. Medicine Ball Slams from Side to Side:

Medicine ball slams are a high-intensity, incendiary, and metabolic exercise that works multiple muscle groups and waist exercises. The oblique muscles, hamstrings, quadriceps, biceps, and shoulders are the main movers of this exercise on the ground. When compared to overhead slams, side-to-side ball slams incorporate more oblique abdominal workouts.

How to perform:

Standing with your feet about shoulder-width apart and the medicine ball on one side. Pick up the ball and slam it a few inches away from your little toe while rotating your body. To catch the ball on one bounce, turn your feet and bend your back knee as you come into a split squat position. Keep your core tight as you bring the ball overhead and sideways.

6. Russian Twists

The Russian twist is a core and waist exercise that helps you strengthen your oblique muscles. The move involves rotating your torso from side to side while holding a sit-up position with your feet off the ground, which is usually done with a medicine ball or plate.

How to Perform:

  • Sit with your knees slightly bend and your feet flat on the floor.
  • Bend back slightly to form a V-shape or a 45-degree angle between your torso and thighs.
  • Clutch both hands in front of you and lift your feet off the ground slightly.
  • Contort your torso to the right, then back to the centre, and then to the left, using your core muscles.

7. Skipping:

While we don’t expect you to jump rope for an hour, don’t overlook the benefits of a simple skipping rope.

How to Perform:

  • With your arms by your sides, hold the rope in your hands.
  • Each revolution should be jumped on.
  • Maintain soft knees and a strong core.

8. Cardiovascular or Aerobic Exercise

Incorporating at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise or cardio into your regular activities is the first step toward burning visceral fat. Aerobic exercise helps reduce belly fat and liver fat.

Excellent cardio and aerobic exercises include:

  • Walking
  • Running
  • Biking
  • Rowing 
  • Swimming
  • Group cycling

9. HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training)

Interval training and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) is exercise routines that combine short bursts of intense exercise with lower-intensity movements and rest periods. HIIT exercise to reduce belly fat control weight and improve overall physical condition. These routines are quick but effective in getting your heart pumping and working your entire body. Each routine includes a variety of movements, such as:

  • Pushing
  • Pulling
  • Squatting
  • Deadlifting

Choose a few HIIT exercises to reduce belly fat to get started. 30 seconds of activity, 30 seconds rest. After that, do the next activity and then take a break. You can repeat the cycle as many times as you like once you’ve completed all of the activities.

10. Strength and Weight Training:

Weightlifting is also an important part of the exercise to reduce belly fat. When the body is at rest, muscles burn more calories than fat, so having more muscle tone can help you burn more fat. Resistance training, which includes weight training, has also been found to increase lean weight while decreasing fat and boosting metabolism at the same time. Include the following weight training exercise to reduce belly fat in your routine:

  • Curls of the biceps
  • Lunges
  • Squats
  • Kick-backs on the triceps

You can do 12 repetitions with lighter weights, between five and eight pounds, with these exercises. Using heavier weights with fewer repetitions is another option.

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